In a previous post, I predicted that it wouldn't be long before Ivory Coast musicians came up with an Ebola dance. It looks like I was correct (thanks DJ Lewis)! Scanning through my facebook newsfeed today, I came across the following video.
DJ Lewis - Ebola
From a very basic analysis, I sense that the purpose of this video is twofold. First and foremost it serves as Public Service Announcement to warn people of the dangers of the disease and what preventative measures they could take. In a very synthesized voice you hear DJ Lewis yell "Aucun vaccin n'est disponible - Attention - 90% des malades meurent - Attention" (translated: No vaccine is available - Warning - 90% of affected people die - Warning). If this doesn't qualify as awareness raising, then I don't know what does. But we should note that this is also a party song. It is performed in the "Coupe Decale" style, a type of Ivorian music that advocates excess, luxury and an overall festive lifestyle. Even though a terrible thing such as Ebola is not necessarily compatible with partying, something in Ivorian culture (perhaps in human nature) allow the two to mingle so as to produce refreshing music. It is not that Ebola cannot or should not be sung, however to most people the expectation would be something similar to this:
Ebola is terrible and is currently wreaking havoc in West Africa. However, if dancing and singing engages folks in ways that can uplift their spirits while also providing education, then these populations are certainly getting closer to recovery. As we wait for the powerful figures of the world (Obama, Bill Gates etc.) to assist us, Africa let's dance our sickness away like Mamadee here!
Full article available here:
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